Again won the PORPROV Medal, this time the Food Technology Study Program Student won 3 Medals in Chess Competition
Students of the Food Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University got 3 medals and added to the medals won by the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University at the 2022 Bali Provincial Sports Week (PORPROV). This time, I Gusti Ayu Putu Utari, who is a Batch of 2021, won 3 medals through the Chess branch including 1st Place / Gold Medal in the Women's Quick Chess Team Category, 2nd Place / Silver Medal in the Women's Quick Chess Team Category, 3rd Place / Bronze Medal in the Women's Standard Chess Team Category.
The PORPROV activity in the Chess sector was carried out on 16-25 November 2022 at UPT SKB Klungkung. By winning 3 medals, this also adds to the achievements of the Food Technology Study Program students in the Non-Academic field at PORPROV Bali 2022. Previously, Food Technology Study Program students won 1 Silver Medal in the Softball branch.
I Gusti Ayu Putu Utari said that he was grateful and happy to be able to achieve achievements and donate medals to his beloved alma mater, she said he would continue to develop herself and not be easily satisfied with the achievements achieved, she also said that in the future she would train harder so she could improve her achievements and hoped to be able to contribute more gold medals to the alma mater. - (AMP)