The development of
the field of Agricultural Technology at Udayana University began in 1962 which
was pioneered by the Animal Products Technology section, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine and Animal Husbandry (FKHP) which is now known as the Faculty of
Animal Husbandry (FAPET). Furthermore, since 1967 the field of Agricultural
Product Technology has been developed which is managed by the Faculty of
Agriculture (FP) of Udayana University. After observing the rapid development
of the need for technological empowerment in the agricultural sector in a broad
sense and the development of science and technology in the field of
agricultural technology at several domestic and foreign universities, Udayana
University (UNUD) through the Rector's Decree No. 485/SK/PT.17/R- VII.1983
established a new major, namely the Agricultural Technology Major (PSTP) to
provide Bachelor degree program
Based on the results
of the academic and administrative feasibility study of the formation of
Agricultural Technology major proposed by Udayana University, in 1984 PSTP
received permission to open and operate by the Directorate of Higher Education
(DIKTI) through a decree. Director General of Higher Education Depdikbud RI No.
55/DIKTI/Kep/1984 so since then it has been allowed to accept new students. At
the beginning of the formation of PSTP, the educational curriculum was
characterized by fields of agricultural technology in a broad sense. In 1995, a
specialization or concentration of knowledge was developed which was managed by
an organizational unit called a section. Since then the Agricultural Product Technology
Division (THP) has been formed.
Based on the results
of the evaluation conducted by the Directorate General of Higher Education, the
THP section was changed to PS. THP through the Decree of the Director General
of Higher Education No: 231/DIKTI/Kep/1996 dated July 11, 1996, regarding Majors
in Udayana University. Because of the success in managing the educational
program, the hard work of PSTP academic community, and based on the feasibility
evaluation of the competency qualifications of graduates, management resources,
facilities and infrastructure owned, funding capabilities and proven academic
management skills mastery, then with the instructions and approval of the
Directorate General of Higher Education (Ditjen DIKTI), the Faculty of Agricultural
Technology (FTP) can be established based on the Udayana University rector’s
Decree dated October 7, 2004 No. 271.A/J14/PR.01.10/2004. Since 2004 FTP has
become one of the 12 faculties owned by Udayana University and now Unud has 13
faculties and 1 postgraduate program.
The establishment of
this faculty was followed by the change of the Section into a Major with the
Rector's Decree No.: 160/J14/KP.02.18/2005 dated June 15, 2005. In 2009 there
was a change in the name of the Agricultural Product Technology major (PSTHP)
to Food Science and Technology major (PSITP) through SK. Chancellor No.
16/H14/PR/2009, dated January 8, 2009. stipulated by the Directorate General of
Higher Education through letter No. 1788/D/T/2009 dated October 5, 2009 and
with the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education No.
6262/D/T/KN/2011 dated April 7, 2011 Thus the THP Department also changed to
the Department of Food Science and Technology. Since June 11, 2020 according to
the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 574/M/2020, regarding
the Change of the Name of the Major at the Udayana University in Badung
Regency, the Food Science and Technology Major changed name to the Food
Technology Major.