Commemorating Milk Day and Jamu Day, HIMATEPA Unud Provides Education About Milk and Jamu at the Tat Twam Asi Orphanage


The Student Association of the Food Technology Study Program (HIMATEPA) of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University commemorated Milk Day and Jamu Day on Saturday, 3rd June 2023 at the Tat Twam Asi Orphanage, Denpasar. This activity was attended by the Coordinator of the Food Technology Study Program and several students of the Food Technology Study Program who were attended by the children of the Tat Twam Asi orphanage, Denpasar.


In its implementation, to commemorate the milk day and Jamu day, HIMATEPA Udayana University as the organizer provided education and materials regarding milk and jamu, distribution of milk and jamu (turmeric and sour), as well as distribution of mementos in the form of groceries and stationery to the children of the Tat Twam orphanage. Asi.


Made Justin Satria as Chairman of HIMATEPA reported that the activities to commemorate Milk Day and Jamu Day were carried out well and smoothly, he also hoped that the activities carried out at the Tat Twam Asi Orphanage could make a contribution especially for the children of the Tat Twan Asi Orphanage , Denpasar, both contributing knowledge regarding education related to Milk and Jamu to the mementos given to participants. In addition, he also hopes that by carrying out activities like this, Jamu, which is a traditional herbal medicine drink, is expected to be more popular with the general public, especially the younger generation, he said .