Improving the Quality of Learning Through the PKKM Program, TP Study Program Collaborates with Practitioners from Various Fields


The Food Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University won the Independent Campus Competition Program Grant in 2023. Through this opportunity, in order to improve the quality of learning, collaboration with several practitioners from various fields in Teaching Practitioner activities was carried out. The implementation has become more mature after previously holding a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with a number of practitioners. Activities will run from September 4 2023 until the end of the semester following the Faculty of Agricultural Technology's academic lecture calendar.


There are 13 practitioners involved in teaching practitioner activities with various backgrounds ranging from entrepreneurs, MSME instructors, to product development from various companies related to Food Technology who teach and share experiences with students in 9 courses, namely Introduction to Agricultural Technology, Physiology and Technology Post-harvest, Nutraceuticals, Food Quality Control, Entrepreneurship, Integrated Practicum, Traditional Balinese Food, Cocoa Technology, and Cereal Technology.


Dr. I Wayan Rai Widarta, S.TP., M.Si. as head of the PKKM task force for the Food Technology Study Program, he hopes that through the Independent Campus Competition Grant Program which was won by the Food Technology Study Program, in particular, the implementation of the Teaching Practitioner program can provide an increase in the quality of learning and understanding for students, especially understanding from various industry perspectives which can certainly provide insight for students. related to experiences in the industrial world and understanding what students must have before entering the food industry later, through this activity it is also hoped that they can improve the Main Performance Indicators and Additional Performance Indicators of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, especially the Food Technology Study Program.