Because of Processing Taro Flour into Flakes, Manik Kumala Successfully Being the Fastest Food Technology Bachelor Degree
Komang Manik Kumala Dewi, often called Manik, succeeded in obtaining the fastest Bachelor of Food Technology (S.TP) degree in her class in August at the Food Technology Study Program at Udayana University by conducting a Study of the Characteristics and Potential of Functional Food Flakes with a Comparison of Natural Yam Flour (Xanthosoma sagittifolium). and Modified Heat Moisture Treatment (HMT) under the guidance of Ms. Anak Agung Istri Sri Wiadnyani, S.TP., M.Sc. and Dr. Gusti Ayu Kadek Diah Puspawati, S.TP., M.Si.
The research being carried out is the production of flakes which have the potential as functional food derived from local natural ingredients such as taro. Utilization of local food ingredients from tubers can also be used as an alternative ingredient in the manufacture of flakes products because they are generally rich in carbohydrates. In the process of making these flakes is done with a combination of natural taro flour and HMT (Heat Moisture Treatment) modification. HMT is a physical modification of starch granules at a temperature of 80oC-120oC for 15 minutes-16 hours with a predetermined moisture content of less than 35%.
Manik Kumala reported in the resulting research that the characteristics and potential of flakes functional food were obtained by adding 60% natural taro flour and 40% HMT modified taro flour with a water content of 2.15%, ash content of 1.80%, protein content of 3.39% , fat content 17.21%, carbohydrate content 71.80%, crude fiber content 1.16%, crispness test in milk 2.06 minutes, with a crunchy texture and still favored by the panelists.
She also emphasized that flakes with the addition of 60% natural taro flour and 40% HMT modified taro flour had resistant starch and dietary fiber content of 3.80% and 4.53%, respectively. She also suggested that it is necessary to carry out further research on adding protein content to flakes.